Thursday, February 7, 2013


My 7 year old son had 4 teeth pulled this morning.  It was with sedation, a routine we have done 3 other times.  I have struggled with tremendous mother guilt over his dental issues.  Of course, that guilt also lead me to delay taking him to the dentist earlier.  Fortunately, after several tries, we found a dentist who just helped us get the work done, with the comfort of sedation.  The first time he was much younger and didn't really know what was going on.  This time, he knew exactly what was going to happen and I am in awe of how he handled it.
It was fairly business like with the request for skylanders to sit beside him during the procedure.  He said they have helped him before, and if wanted them close if he needed it again.  He wanted Ramon noodles when he woke up.  He was most excited about being able to eat popcorn after years of not being able to.
I watched him be so brave and wondered:  why?  He knows it will hurt, and he doesn't like the taste of the medicine.  He probably even knows I feel guilty.  So why didn't he fuss, whine or want people to feel sorry for him? 
We have never threatened our kids into submission.  We don't manipulate or cajole our kids.  We don't make fun of them or do other things that scare them into being compliant.  They certainly don't clean their rooms like I want them too.  Yet, when it really does count:  they respond.  As this boy did today, sometimes they respond quite well.
As I sat and rubbed his head, I started pondering all this.  I am the one who whines and fusses.  I've certainly looked for people to feel sorry for me.  I would most definitely resist medical or dental procedures.  He didn't learn this composure from me.  Then, he looked up at me and asked me if I was comfortable.  He said I could have his pillow so my back wouldn't hurt.  I put his head in my lap and the pillow against the wall.  This boy is so kind and considerate.  Most of all, he trusts me.  I think it is a trust based in the knowledge that I will respond to him appropriately and lovingly.  I will at least apologize I when I don't respond nicely.  I think this trust come from not manipulating or threatening him.  This trust is deep.  In many ways, it scares me because the last thing I want to do is to betray it. 
I realize that I've been working on my own trusting of others.  I trusted my spiritual directors advice, even though I thought she was wrong.  I've placed trust in a midwife, my husband and several others.  I don't trust them as a child would trust an adult, because I ultimately need to make my own decisions.  I've learned so much from my children.  They humble me with their trust and love of me.  I pray that I can honor that.

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