Sunday, March 13, 2011

A ride

Posted by PicasaMy 2 year old pointed to my back carrier today and asked for a ride. It has been a while since I carried her like that. She had decided that she was big enough to ride in a stroller or walk, so we started leaving the carrier behind. Yet, this afternoon, I put her up on my back with ease and we went for a walk through the woods. I snapped this picture along the way.
One of the best decisions I made as a new mom (14 years ago!) was to carry my children. At first, it was quite a struggle. There were not any good carriers around, and I hadn't learned how to order things off of the Internet. Yet, with each kid, I learned a little quicker. It fit my style of mothering very well.
Eventually, each child grew their way out of carriers and being carried. Walking around with Ayla this afternoon, I realized that this part of my life is coming to an end. I am trying to embrace many of these bittersweet moments as they come along. Thus, I posed for this picture. I am trying simply to be present for and with my family. We have seen ups, downs and sideways. And we have marched along, hoping for the best, trying to make our adjustments as we go along. I am grateful for all of these moments that I have had. I have carried my kids in malls, grocery stores, churches, synagogues, subways and where ever else I have been. Now that that part of my life is coming to an end, I am even more grateful of the time that my kids spent in arms, attached to their mom.

1 comment:

  1. The sling that you got me for my first kid was the best and most useful present that anyone has gotten us. We and our kids loved it. Best way to get them to sleep. Best way to carry them around.

    Now that we no longer have little ones, it has been passed along to another family with tiny ones.
