Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm hopeless

I asked a friend of mine last weekend something. I asked him why I continue to reach out to people, even after they have dismissed me. He answered. "It could be one of two reasons. You are stupid. Or your heart is in the right place."

I think that both of these are right. I am just plain stupid sometimes. I should do a better job of deciding who and when to reach out to people. More than that, I need to make sure I am doing it for the right reasons. I need to be willing to keep my guard up. I am learning that I can reach out to people, and guard myself at the same time.
On the other hand, I am starting to think that my heart might just be in the right place. I think that this is just simply a part of me that I cannot deny. I have decided to give up hope of stopping. I suspect that I will always reach out to people. I will leave the doors open. I will always have hope for Reconciliation.
Hopeless to change. This is just a part of who I am. I better start accepting it.


  1. I suspect that for many of us such either/or places are actually both/and. As you engage people of all sorts you'll likely keep your guard up, but not enough to protect you completely. Real relationships require vulnerability, I think. Thank's for your post.

  2. You believe in redemption.

    (Of people - not of aluminum cans)

    (Okay, maybe cans, too)
