Friday, June 7, 2013


Somehow, I think we end up searching for great things.  We look for the big, huge parties with days of preparation.  We want the wedding that is perfect and took an entire year to plan.  We plan for Baptisms, Confirmations, Ordinations, all the rites of growing up.  In many ways, these are important rites and should be recognized.  Yet, sometimes, I think we do it at the expense of spontaneity and friendship.
Over the past 16 years of being a parent, I have gotten better at parties.  I've tried to pay attention to what is important, and what is not.  I've finally learned that most kids are very low maintenance.  They really just want to feel comfortable and relax with friends.  I've even turned the planning over to my teen, and developed the art of hanging back. 
Today, my house filled up with teenagers.  I get to enjoy listening to the giggling, joking and all around fun atmosphere.  Forty bucks worth of pizza is all it took to take care of this end of the school year party.  I've come a long way from the high levels of anxiety I had in years past.  It seems the more I fretted and planned, the less people came.  Now that I just leave everything up to chance, the house fills up.  There is something about just breathing into the rhythms of life and opening up yourself to what is.  I'm glad I've found this part out, it sure makes life easier.
My favorite part of today is that all of the kids here are welcome.  I've got my three younger kids, and they just blended right in with the teenagers who had to step over barbie dolls to get to the TV.  There is no one fighting for control or attention.  Its just a sweet gathering of kids who decided to swim in the pool even though it is raining.

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