Saturday, December 1, 2012

Moving on

I've been struggling with my work and schedule now for several months.  I can give all sorts of external reasons for me to leave this job that I am in.  I can also give you all sorts of reasons to stay.  This week, a feeling I cannot describe impelled me to put in my resignation.
I don't have another job yet, and this is pretty scary.  I have a few ideas and I have several weeks to start looking, but it is a vulnerable place to be.  Moving forward, trusting that it will work out.  For me, I've always been incredibly blessed.  I've always found a way to land on my feet.
The day that I decided to resign, I had quite a few things happen to affirm that decision.  Yesterday, I ran into a former co-worker who wants me to come work with him.  Intersting, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. It helps to be an agathist. An agathist is one who believes that all things tend towards good, but not necessarily in the most direct manner.
