Wednesday, December 19, 2012


In contrast to my last post, I feel like writing about the absurdity of my morning.  I called in sick today because my youngest is still battling some sort of fever/virus.  I would bet we've had the flu.  It is going around like crazy this year.
Our silly morning started last night.  My 7 year old had put on a pair of shorts.  After they fell down, he realized that they were really his brother's.  Instead of changing, he wore them to bed last night.  Getting him to change this morning was a battle with lots of giggling.  His little sister changed clothes 3 times this morning.   At first, I thought she was asking for an 'army' shirt.  It really was a 'long sleeve' shirt, but that was too warm.  She put on cowboy boots, but didn't like the way the socks fit.  She changed shoes.  I was putting lotion on my 11 year old's face and he started humming.  It sounded like a Justin Beaver (as he is known in our house) tune.
Driving 4 kids to school is always an adventure.  My eldest took her electric guitar to school today, lugging around an amp and a Christmas present.  She showed me that she painted her finger nails to match her guitar.  Only a teenager would think of that....
My second grader always gets unbuckled in the line so that he can give me his cheek for a kiss.  His favorite teacher opened the door this morning, and he got a hug.  The middle schooler always gets a yell from his little sister saying 'Have a good day!'.
My life seems overflowing with simple joys.  We started off this day with a fire started by my husband.  It is his way of helping us get going on a cold morning.  We do a pretty good job working as a team around here.  You have to when you live in a zoo.
Last year, I took my oldest boy to the synagogue for the Yom Hashoa service.  It is where they remember the Holocaust.  The speaker was a survivor who had taken part in the defiant Requiem.  For most of her speech, she made us laugh.  I was struck by this little woman's courage and wisdom. For me, it was one of those 'changing moments' in my life.  If she can laugh, so can I.  And I will, every single day.

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