Friday, December 6, 2013


There was a time in my life where I thought I had control over things.  If I do this, then this will happen.  I had decided to take things and FINALLY be in control.  Then an event happened, and I realized that any sense of control I had was simply a perception.  I had perceived control, but not actual.  My life has been better since that event.  I'm glad that I don't have to carry the weight of my world in my control.  I am learning to be a part of the world, not someone trying to control things.  Although, my desire to control things does bubble out.  I think it always will.  I think controlling things is how we control our own anxiety.  I'm sure there is some psychological basis for that. 
Over the dinner table, I heard a friend talk about friendships.  She admitted that she is great at doing things with people, as long as she had control.  It took me to another conversation with a someone a while ago.  I was asking her why it is so hard for our children to get together and play.  She went into a litany about how busy she is, needing to schedule things.  Finally, she just admitted "It has to be on MY terms."  I responded with "EXACTLY".  It was an enlightening moment for me.  You see, I had been naive to the fact that I seem to invite this sort of dynamic in a relationship.  I was happy for the other person's terms, so long as we were friends.  I've grown a bit since then.
This seems to be a bit of a life long lesson for me, and I'm not exactly sure why.  I know that I was raised in an environment where controlling kids was the whole purpose of everything.  Sometimes, I think people try to control their children, because everything else is so out of control.  I try to exert my own control over things.  I'm probably at my worse within my own marriage.  I guess I get to start rethinking all of those things.
The sad part for me is that I don't know how to make a friendship survive when the other person needs control.  In the past, I've ended up rebelling against it.  Whenever I rebelled, the other person rejected me in the most ugly way.  I could give you a pretty long list that goes back to 4th grade.  Recently, this came to light when my best friend in that grade posted a picture on facebook that I was in.  Of course, you couldn't see me because she scratched me out.
Over the past few years, I've learned a great deal about relationships, healthy ones.  I know in order to be in one, you have to healthy yourself.  So, my focus goes on to myself, wondering what I need to learn.  I know I want ones that give and take.  There has to be a relatively even flow of things between two people.  There has to be a surrender of that perception of control.  I guess for me, I've got to surrender my tendency to be the one controlled.  There was a time where I was desperate for any sort of friendship or attention from another person.  I was lost to who I was and needed people to be around.  Now, I'm not so needy in that area.  I'm understanding who I am and I know I'll be ok.
Life seems to be giving me some gut-checks right now.  I pray that I am surrendering to those lessons.

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