Sunday, July 3, 2011


SO, I work as a nurse in the emergency department. Sometimes, I make small talk with patients while I am doing procedures. Today, I talked a bit with a young lady as I was starting an IV and drawing blood. I tried to listen to her story and give her some encouragement. She had dropped out of school, and was wandering around looking for a job. I didn't think too much about our little talk. I just want to see people succeed. As I went to take her paperwork upon discharge, she looked at me with pride and told me something. She said that when she got her high school diploma, she was going to bring it up to the hospital and show it to me. I was humbled, saying that I hoped that I was around when she did. I guess I managed to give her a little hope, maybe even direction in life. She seemed pretty sure of her desire to go back to school, wanting to make a better life for herself.
I love my job, and get goose bumps when I think about the impact that I get to have on some people. I am humbled every day when I consider the authority I hold with people who are vulnerable.
I hope this lady brings her diploma up to show me. I pray that I am at work that day. I told her that I believe that she will. I told her that she was a survivor!
Cool! She really did seem to listen, and better yet: BELIEVE.

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