Thursday, September 25, 2014

All good things....

I have spent a good deal of time pondering many things over the past few weeks.  I seem to have a new reluctance to write on this blog any more.  I remembered a friend who is now on her third blog.  She mentioned that it was time to close the one she was on and start another one.  At first, I found that weird because we are all just on a continuous journey.  Right?  Recently, I began to realize she might really have a point. How do we mark the major shifts in our lives? How do we mark a place in the path where we realize we can never return to previous issues?
I started this blog in a fit of hurt and anger.  It was my way of finding 'my voice'.  It was new for me to know that people were reading my thoughts.  It was freeing to realize I could really say what I thought.  I think in the end, I realize that I had never 'lost my voice'.  I was just surrounded by people who couldn't hear.
This blog was actually mentioned in the letter I was given by a deceased Priest when he ex-communicated me.  It was offered among private, soul searching emails given as evidence that I must be removed from community.  I learned that my voice could be very threatening to people.  I also had people search me out and comment.  I had one friend who cried telling me that he found what he needed to hear within these writings.  I learned that my voice could also offer solace, perspective and sometimes healing.
A remember sitting and talking with someone whose friend had been murdered.  We talked about a core shift that happens when you have certain experiences.  I understood because I knew I looked at the world with different eyes because of my own core-shift.  What I didn't realize at the time:  you can shift again.  God willing, it will happen many times.
This trip to Ghana and some other things have helped me mark another shift.  This particular shift has been beautiful.  I've begin to see the abundance of blessings around me.  I'm no longer operating out of fear.  I've learned real boundaries and have great hope for the future.

This is my last post for this blog.  I've already tried to start another one about my travels.  All good things, and all really hard things must come to an end.

Much love,

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