Saturday, February 27, 2010

Getting Started

One of the first lines of the movie Sounder goes something like this: "You can take just about anything away from or give anything to a child, but a child has to tell his own story." I'll need to go rent the movie now so that I can get the exact quote. When I heard it, I realized that I have my own unique story. It is all mine and no one elses. I think that it is time that I start telling it. I have done too much work to be able to understand it. So I guess I am going to give blogging a try. I've journaled for many years, but don't get the satisfaction I would like out of it. Words are empty until they are shared.

My oldest child turns 13 years old this week. Today, while I visited the Episcopal Convent in Augusta Ga, I bought her an Anglican Rosary. It is the 'earth rosary', intended to be used in prayer for our earth. I hope that she likes it, I am not sure that many 13 year olds would appreciate it. However, I don't have a typical child. On her own, she decided to read the Old Testament as a Lenten project. She totes a bible around school, because this is where she does much of her reading. Somehow, my husband and I have invited a Spirituality into our family. One that I don't quite understand. I just know that it is real.

I had a great time in Spiritual Direction with a Sister at the Convent. My brain started hurting as I tried to absorb all that she had to say. I have realized that much of what I need in my life right now is rest. I am giving myself permission to remain fallow for Lent. I will still work on projects at work and church. However, I won't seek any more Spiritual Direction. I will purpose my day for re-creation. I need to have fun with my partner in life, my kids and my friends. I might even read a trashy romance novel! Heck, I might even start a blog. : )

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this. Happy Birthing Day to you and Happy Birthday to Alena. You are an awesome friend and Mother.
