Lord Carey gave quite a nice sermon, using humor. He talked about a Cathedral being a place for seekers to come to. It was quite affirming in my desire to show up there every once in awhile. He was also able to speak about the Anglican Church in a very global nature. It was very interesting to hear this perspective. As I waited in line to shake his hand after the service, I joked with a retired Priest: "Am I supposed to curtsy? I don't know how. I've never met a Lord before."
Well, he shook my hand and asked my first name. I was at the end of a very long line and he was still very much engaged with people, standing in 90+ degree sunlight. What he said to me has had me stymied. I guess this is why I am writing about this here. He said "You're one of the young mothers." I laughed and said, "No, I'm an old mother." I'm 41 years old and it is hard to think of myself as a young mother. Plus, I did not have a single child with me. Why would he refer to me this way?
I'm in an interesting place in my life. Being a mother is, by far, the most difficult and important job I have ever had. In many ways, it became how I identify myself to everybody. I still seem to struggle with this role of mother. Is this who I am, or all I am? I've decided I am so much more than just one thing. Yet, is there a better way of distinguishing myself? I guess it is still place in the back of my mind that our culture diminishes women. More importantly, I've watched too many people try to diminish my worth because I am busy raising my children. I wish I didn't have to fight back about being diminshed. I wish that I could recieve a decleration from the Archbishop with pride and excitment. Yes! I am a young mother.
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